~Understanding begins, but does not end, with the act of perception~

"Welcome to your life.."

"For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin--real life. But there was ALWAYS some OBSTACLE in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."

-- Alfred D. Souza

Friday, September 10, 2010


I'm bored and everyone is old.
The whole world went back to school and so did their children.
And we never learn a god damn thing.

Didn't I try and tell you once to be open, 
and to listen to everything around you..?
I am overwhelmed.

The hum of urban neon chaos, 
the soundtrack of my dreams, 
the song in my footsteps.

Crafting Life like the pattern of a wedding dress.
Marking in chalk, pinning things down, 
cutting delicately on dotted lines.

Poised for Power 
feels more like
Standing on the Precipice.

At any moment my castle may tumble into the sea.
I may be thrashed to bits on the rocks below.
Drowned in the white waters and sunk down into cold depths.

Falling is the easy part-You just fall.
It's the jumping that's hard.
It's the landing that's tough.

Flying with a mostly blind eye on the horizon,
I long for the fall.
I wish for the tumble head over heels into Anything.

My life; A long series of blurry cartwheeling landscapes.
Somersaulting before my eyes.
The Spin Cycle.

Going over and over my Self.
Over and over again.
Revising, reviewing, redoing-all the same shit.

Style this next flight a long one, to someplace I've never been-
Maybe around the Sun and the Moon
Breaking back through the atmosphere like Fire.

I'm bored and America is an angry old woman- and so is everyone in it.
Shake off your cobwebs and burn down your pretense 
And fly your rebel colors if you can hear me..!!

Prepping for another unknowable departure to Anywhere
I swear I won't even take my landing gear this time.
I make no plans to touch down, or to ever return at all...